Waverley Novoactive Classic 2024!

What an incredible weekend our squads had at our home competition!

The Waverley Novoactive Classic 2024 saw all of our squads compete from level 2 up to Senior International.

The competition started strong on Friday with our Level 8 gymnasts bringing home a bronze team medal with the Level 7's not too far behind with team silver!

Our future, junior and senior international squad gymnasts looked confident finishing off Friday's competition.

On Saturday and Sunday we saw the remainder of our level 2-8's in both division 1 and 2 put up incredible routines to secure some amazing results.

Congratulations to everyone who took part in the Waverley Novoactive Classic, we are very proud of our gymnasts and coaches!




Level 3:

White Team: 1st Bars

Blue team: 3rd Floor

Level 4:

Red Team: 1st Vault

Blue team: 2nd Beam

Level 5:

Amarii: 1st bars

Maria: 3rd AA

Gabby: 5th Vault

Aoiff: 2nd Vault

Level 6 Div 2:

Ashley: 1st Vault

Level 7:

Hayley: 3rd Floor

Siri: 3rd Bars

Level 8 Div 2:

Maisie 2nd AA


Neva: 1st Beam

Grace: 1st Floor

Audrey: 1st Vault

Chloe: 2nd Bars

Abby: 3rd Beam

Michaela: 1st beam