The Waverley Gymnastics Centre committee is an annually elected committee of parents and interested parties by the club membership.
The role of the committee includes:
- Ensuring that all aspects of the WGC constitution (insert link) are followed.
- Ensuring adequate financial resources for WGC to fulfil our mission (including fundraising).
- Annually reviewing the WGC mission, values and policies.
- Ensuring legal compliance and ethical integrity in all aspects of WGC
- Ensuring WGC conducts itself according to our club values.
- Representing our WGC members.
The operational running of WGC is the responsibility of the Director and Department Leaders.
At the WGC Annual General Meeting (held in April/May each year) we actively seek the following skills:
- Legal background
- Financial literacy and/or accounting background
- Child well-being/safety experience
- Governance experience
- Policy writing experience
- MPIO qualification
- HR experience
- Fundraising
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to speak to any of our current committee members or contact us at secretary@wgc.org.au and one of our committee members will give you a call!

Collin Ross
Collin Ross

Jodie Weir
Vice President
Jodie Weir

Ed Johansen
Ed Johansen

Anita Woon
Anita Woon

Simon Weir
Child Protection & Wellbeing Officer
Simon Weir

Angela Eland
General Member
Angela Eland

Matt Brown
General Member
Matt Brown

Lingling Yu
General Member
Lingling Yu

Emma Dorward
General Member