TIANA small mailchimp HEADERS (4)
You can use this form to share a concern which is sent directly and only to Olivia, our Child Safeguarding and Wellbeing Manager. For a step-by-step guide about concens, please click here.
What is a concern?
A concern includes:
  • a concern about you or someone else's safety
  • a concern about someone's behaviour towards a child or children
  • when you think someone has broken the rules of our Child Safety Policy or Child Safe Code of Conduct
  • if you know, or think you know abuse has happened or is happening
You must submit your first and last name for this form to be submitted. Anonymous forms are not processed. If you do not feel comfortable leaving your name, please call or email Olivia on 0401 917 797 or olivia@wgc.org.au
You are brave for speaking up and sharing. Do not worry about spelling or 'getting it right'. If you need help explaining, please submit this form and Olivia, our Child Safeguarding and Wellbeing Manager will find you during class to help.
For the adult version of the form, please click here.

Complaints and Worries Form
