Jessica Eland
Level 10 Gymnast
Quick Facts:
Name: Jessica Eland
Level: Level 10
Birthplace: Melbourne
DOB: 15/2/2005
Nickname: Jess
School: Mount Waverley Secondary College
Motto: "If you really want it, you will fight for it"
Most admired sportsperson? Nastia Liukin
Favourite music? 80s-90s
Favourite movie/TV shows? Gilmore Girls
What is your pet hate? Slow walkers
If you were famous who would you be and why? Tom Holland, so I could be Spiderman
Best piece of advice you've ever received? “Go for it, with everything you have got and don’t let anyone stand in the way of your dreams, because if you work had enough for it, you WILL get there” - said by a random man I met who saw me doing handstands on Uluru.

Training Information:
When and why did you start gymnastics? 6 years old, because I was always bouncing around
First gymnastics club? Bayside Gymnastics
Who is your current coach? Jess Haintz and Mr Yang
What is the most important thing your coach has taught you? That hard work pays off and to stray focussed on your own goals
Favourite thing about Waverley? The supportive and encouraging coaches in the gym
Biggest challenge you've overcome so far?Fighting some long injuries but working hard to come back stronger
Best apparatus? Bars or beam
Favourite skill? Jager on Bars
Most difficult skill to learn? Pak salto on Bars
One skill you would most love to learn? Back double layout on floor
Proudest gymnastics achievement? Coming first at Nationals on Bars in 2019
Most Significant:
Best National Performance: Although I was injured and only competed two apparatus, 2019 Bars and Beam
Proudest Gymnastics Achievement: After having a rough day one nationals 2020, I was still able to go out on day two with my head held high
National Competitions:
2015 National Clubs (Level 5)
2016 National Clubs (Level 7)
2017 National Clubs (Level 7)
2017 Nationals (Level 7)
2018 National Clubs (Level 9 and 10)
2019 Nationals (Level 9)
2021 Nationals (Level 10)