Junior Victorian Championships – Qualifiers

A whopping 39 gymnasts from our squad program have been selected to compete at the upcoming Junior Victorian Championships! A massive congratulations to the following gymnasts and their coaches - we are so proud of your efforts and good luck at the upcoming competition!
Level 7 Division 1 Over
Yun Wang
Paige Hum
Lily Fletcher
Amanda Yung
Mia Varsamis
Anna Yung
Celine Wawolangi
Siri Anderson
Greta Brown
Level 7 Division 1 Under
Arielle Yu
Makaela Teo
Cayla Liew
Level 7 Division 2
Mia McLean
Level 6 Division 2
Kyla Perret
Elaine Huang
Level 5 Division 1 Over
Olivia Gheorghisor
Toby Low
Olivia Teoh
Kristen Moridis
Naomi Wong
Stephanie Kellett
Nanami Ishikawa
Emily Strangio
Ashley Khong
TEAM: Olivia G, Toby L, Kristen M, Naomi W, Emily S
Level 4 Division 1 Over
TEAM: Aoife Lacey, Gabriella Da Costa, Jessica Strangio, Meg Stollery-Jones, Ruby De Sensi
Level 4 Division 1 Under
TEAM: Amarii Douglas-Sonnett. Estelle Gaget, Maria Jin
Level 3
Alannah Chan
Audrey Khong
Claire Hsu
Celeste Nguyen
Hannah Miao
Keren Chang
Pearl Brown