Waverley Gymnastics Centre would be unable to run without the help of our wonderful volunteers. If you would like to be involved, here are some ways you can help:
Working Bees: We run four working bees per year at our Mt Waverley campus to keep the inside and outside of our facility looking great! Tasks include; sweeping, leaf blowing, cleaning, wiping, dusting, weeding, and more. Simply come along on the day and see our Working Bee Coordinator for direction! If you would like to help out but can't make any of the dates below, please contact the office on 9887-9611 or email us.
Competition Help: We run several competitions throughout the year and we always need plenty of volunteers! Tasks include; canteen help, BBQ, collecting spectator entry fees, bringing food for our judges and coaches, set up, pack up, scoring and more. To find out our competition dates simply contact our Event Director, Jessica Haintz, on 9887-9611 or email us.
Office Assistance: There's always plenty to do in our office so any assistance that can be offered for basic administration tasks such as photocopying, basic data entry, filing forms, etc would be very much appreciated. To help out simply contact the office on 9887-9611 or email us.
Judging: If you are interested in becoming a qualified gymnastics judge, please contact our Judging Coordinator, Jessica Haintz, on 9887-9611 or email us.
If you have any questions relating to volunteering please do not hesitate to contact our friendly office staff on 9887-9611 or email us.