At WGC we recognise the importance of holistic support for our gymnasts in our squad program. A core component of the WGC High Performance Support Program (HPSP) is our Sport Science and Medicine service options.
Historically in gymnastics, the term ‘medical support’ has been widely used to cover services such as Physiotherapy and Sports Medicine. To align with modern references and support services used widely across many other Olympic and non-Olympic sports, WGC now uses terminology that encompasses all aspects of the ‘out of gym’ support services that can be accessed to provide the gymnasts the holistic support they may need to reach their potential. Under the Sport Science and Medicine (SSSM) umbrella here at Waverley, are the following support services that we engage to provide holistic care to the gymnasts and families:
We have a knowledgeable and experienced team of Physiotherapist from the Bounce Health Group who treat on site at WGC. Bookings can be made through the Bounce Health Group, via the WGC Staff at the Front Desk or the High Performance Manager.
Bounce Health Group have historically had Sports Nutrition and Dietitian staff to offer group education sessions and one-on-one personalized contultations to our Waverley gymnasts and their families. Currently this position is vacant.
Performance Psychology
Olympian and Performance Psychologist Caroline Anderson continues to be a preferred Performance Psychologist for Waverley Gymnastics.
Caroline has a team of highly qualified Performance Psychologists that work in her practice at Performance Edge Psychology, and bookings can be made directly through them via their Contact Us information on their website.
Mental Fitness Trainer
WGC engages Matthew Scholes of Positive Sports Coaching as the specialized Mental Fitness Trainer for our campaign gymnasts and International Squad programs. Matt conducts group and one-on-one sessions that focus on Positive Psychology to achieve outcomes.
Sports Medicine
WGC has an ongoing relationship with Sports Physicians at Bounce Health Group.
Appointments can be made through Bounce, and communication around outcomes from any appointments regarding a gymnastics injury or illness will be fed through to the necessary coaches and support staff in order to manage the injury/illness.
WGC has fully qualified Myotherapists who treat onsite each week across three different days.
Bookings can be made through the Bounce Health Group, via the WGC Staff at the Front Desk or the High Performance Manager.
Annual Medical Checks – Gymnastics Australia
To ensure the Senior International Gymnasts are maintaining normal ranges of biochemical and other identified markers, the Senior International Gymnasts are required to have an annual medical screening that includes a blood test and general check up with the GA Chief Medical Officer or Dr. Matt Chamberlain. The results are discussed directly with the gymnast and updated in the highly secure Athlete Management System used by GA called Smartabase. WGC High Performance staff and Senior Coaching staff may discuss the need for a screening/check-up based on individual needs.
WGC has partnership agreements with three secondary schools in the area; Wesley College , South Oakleigh College and Hughesdale Primary School. These schools are exceptional in their support of elite athletes and work together with staff at WGC to ensure that the girls are receiving the best possible timetables around their existing gymnastic timetables and ensuring extra support when needed.