Rebekah Chen
Level 10 Gymnast
Name: Rebekah Chen
Level: Level 10
Birthplace: Melbourne
DOB: 31/10/2002
Nickname: Bek
School: Balwyn High School
Motto: “It doesn’t matter what the end results are, it matters if you did your best or not.” – Ian Pope
Most admired sportsperson? Roger Federer
Favourite music? I don’t have a favourite genre but my favourite song at the moment is ‘Today, Tomorrow & Forever’
Favourite movie/TV shows? Brooklyn Nine-Nine
What is your pet hate? Being behind a slow swimmer
If you were famous who would you be and why? Reese Witherspoon – she is not afraid to speak her mind, accept others’ opinions and stand up for what is right while maintaining discretion. She is a positive influence on many young girls and women. Reese has accomplished huge things in her career but she has also helped advocate for children and women’s rights.
Best piece of advice you've ever received? Control what you can control.
When and why did you start gymnastics? I began at age 5 because the gym was at the end of the street and I wanted to be like my older sister.
First gymnastics club? Balwyn Leisure Centre
What is the most important thing your coach has taught you? To never give up even if it is a hard day.
Favourite thing about Waverley? The competition leotard.
Biggest challenge you've overcome so far? A fracture in my back.
Favourite apparatus? Beam and Floor
Favourite skill? Yurchenko Layout Full and Pak
Most difficult skill to learn? Tkatchev
One skill you would most love to learn? Double Layout and Shaposhnikova
Proudest gymnastics achievement? Having the opportunity to travel with the Junior National Team to Beijing for a training camp in 2016 and being invited to go to a Senior National Team training camp in 2019.